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💽 Installation

Last updated Apr 26, 2023 Edit Source

# CurseForge

The easiest way to install Biome Makeover is through the CurseForge app. Follow the instructions in their “ Creating a Custom Profile” article to get started.

# Manual Installation

# Choosing a Modloader

You have two options: Fabric or Forge

If you’re not sure, we recommended Fabric.

Follow the installation instructions on their website to get started.

# Fabric

  1. 🌳 Download the latest version of Biome Makeover for your Minecraft version from Curseforge or Modrinth and place it in your mods directory.
  2. 🏗️Download the latest Fabric version of Architectury API for your Minecraft version from Curseforge or Modrinth and place it in your mods directory.
  3. 🧵Download the latest version of Fabric API from Curseforge or Modrinth and place it into your mods directory.
  4. Launch your game and have fun!

# Forge

  1. 🌳 Download the latest version of Biome Makeover for your Minecraft version from Curseforge or Modrinth and place it in your mods directory.
  2. 🏗️Download the latest Forge version of Architectury API for your Minecraft version from Curseforge or Modrinth and place it in your mods directory.
  3. Launch your game and have fun!

# Recommended Mods

# Recipe Viewer

To see the recipes of blocks and items we recommend using a recipe viewer mod such as:

# KubeJS

Most of Biome Makeover’s configuration is done though Data Packs. We recommend using KubeJS’s global Data Pack feature for this.

CurseForge | Modrinth