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Last updated Apr 12, 2023 Edit Source

Biome Makeover adds several curses. All of them are available through the Curse Enchanting mechanic.

Decayed always spawn with a Shield enchanted with the Curse of Decay.

DecayItems will degrade fasterbiomemakeover:decay_curse
InsomniaPhantoms will appear fasterbiomemakeover:insomnia_curse
ConductivityAttracts lightning during stormsbiomemakeover:conductivity_curse
EnfeeblementMax health is reducedbiomemakeover:enfeeblement_curse
DepthsDrags you to the ocean floor when in waterbiomemakeover:depth_curse
FlammabilityFire will last longerbiomemakeover:flammability_curse
SuffocationReduces your max oxygenbiomemakeover:suffocation_curse
UnwieldinessReduces attack speedbiomemakeover:unwieldiness_curse
InaccuracyRefuces accuracy with bows and crossbowsbiomemakeover:inaccuracy_curse
BucklingIncreases fall damagebiomemakeover:buckling_curse